What is Eururalis Eururalis short

Why Eururalis?

  • Europe's rural areas could witness massive and rapid changes affecting Profit, People, Planet (3P) and Land-use
  • Major threats should be avoided and opportunities grasped. An anticipative and coordinated policy should be based upon facts, figures and insights in relationships
  • The future of European regions depends to a large extent on global driving forces such as global demography, technological developments and macro economic growth. Eururalis links these global drivers with EU regions
  • The global dimension: the question of how do global issues - climate change, competing claims, world food prices, food security, sustainability- shape agri­culture inside the EU and other regions in the world is becoming more important
  • The local dimension: Many European policies related to agriculture and environment have spatial dimensions. Such policies target at avoiding negatively perceived developments in specific areas. Eururalis aims at enhancing the feedback of regional policies to macro-scale models.

Some examples of policy issues in rural areas:

  • What are the effects of the new members that joined the EU on income, employment or land-use in existing and new member states?
  • How will an ambitious EU policy on biofuels change the landscape?
  • What impact has a changing Common Agricultural Policy on European land-use?
  • Can we maintain vital rural areas if agriculture modernizes and people move to cities?
  • How will biodiversity respond to urbanization, land use change or climate change?
  • Can we secure our own food supply for Europe's population?
  • Is a free global market a blessing or a disaster for sustainability?

What does Eururalis offer?

  • A conceptual framework and powerful toolbox with data and models to support interactive use with consistent linkage between economic and biophysical domains and between global and local scales
  • Facts and figures for the last decades and especially coming decades towards 2030 in 10 years timesteps for the EU 27 countries.
  • Maps and graphs indicating a variety of possible futures for Europe, with four plausible main scenarios as starting points.
  • The impact on People, Planet, Profit and Land-use indicators.
  • Insight in threats and opportunities for rural areas and insight in the impact of strategic policy options.
  • Insight in trade off’s between regions, between indicators and to other continents
  • Fuel to support discussions, no blueprint for decisions.

For whom is Eururalis?

  • Policy makers
  • Committed groups or individuals
  • Colleague scientists
  • Eururalis is a scenario study starting from four contrasting world visions
  • Takes into account the major forces driving land use change
  • Provides a tool for exploring impacts of drivers and policies on sustainability at the global and local scale
  • Provides a consistent linkage between the economic and the biophysical domains
  • Provides fuel for discussion, it is no blueprint for decisions

Eururalis modeling framework